Northminster Presbyterian Church

December: Cross Roads

Monthly edition of the Northminster "Son" News

Fred's Forum
Flock Talk (Deacon's)
Youth Ministries
Campus Corner
Adult Ministries
Other Activities in the Life of Our Church

Fred's Forum

During all the seasons of a person's life there are difficult moments as well as moments of joy. This past week, Judy and I were in Denver to share in one of those bittersweet times. My parents have sold their home of 35 years and are moving into a retirement apartment. My sisters and I were all there together. As we went through boxes and shelves and trunks full of papers and belongings, our minds were flooded with memories of past events. On several occasions, we got sidetracked as we reminisced over the past. Of all the nice things my folks have had, the most precious things were those papers and clippings tucked away in obscure, unmarked boxes.

One treasure that I brought home with me is the diary my father kept during his service in the army air corps during World War II. Stationed in the South Pacific, his unit went in ahead of the troops and planes and built landing strips and bridges. In my father's usual calm and understated way, he told about how he had come under attack while alone in a jeep; how they had gone in under difficult conditions and rebuilt a bridge or landing strip. It was all very matter of fact... Cut and dried stuff.

On May 17th, 1944 there was a unique entry. "First news of Barbra Carol (the first born of the family). Day of Days!" was all that was written.

As the celebration of Christ's nativity approaches, I am reminded of the journal entry of the God of Heaven when it is reported that the Heavenly Host announced that, "Today in the City of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11)

It might very well have been said, Day of Days. For truly that day, above all others was a Sacred and Holy Day. Christmas Day is Holy not because we gather as families, not because we exchange gifts, not because we enjoy too much good food. It is a sacred Day because the God of the universe invaded this planet and lived in the midst of a sin soiled and needy people to bring salvation. Day of Days!

Pastor Fred

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Flock Talk (Deacon's)

The Deacons want to thank everyone who donated food for the Thanksgiving Baskets. We were able to deliver baskets to seven families.

The Christmas season is here and an important part of our holiday tradition at Northminster Church is our participation in the Angel Tree Program. This is a ministry of Prison Fellowship that provides Christmas gifts to the children of prisoners.

This year we have 15 families with 37 children to purchase gifts for. Each child will receive three gifts so we need 111 Angels to fulfil their wishes.

Please look at the Angels on the tree in the lobby on Sunday morning and choose an Angel to purchase a gift for. Remember to sign up for the Angel you take. We ask that you limit the cost of each gift to $15 to $20. All gifts are to be wrapped with the Angel as name tags and returned to church by December 17.

This is a wonderful way for us to express Christ's love in our city. Remember Fred's sermon -- we need to start our mission work right here and this is a good step for us to make.

The week before Christmas, the Deacons will deliver your gifts and a Bible from our church to the children on behalf of the absent parent and in the name of Jesus Christ.

God Bless You!

The Deacons have purchased more Care Notes -- this is a series on prayer. They are on the table in the lobby. Please take time to look them over and perhaps some of them will be helpful to you and your family.

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Youth Ministries

Director of Youth Ministry -- Youth Fellowship -- Young Life --
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Campus Corner

PCM (Presbyterian Campus Ministry) --
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Adult Ministries

Adult Study Groups 9:45-10:30 -- Young Couples Group --
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Other Activities in the Life of Our Church

Mary Martha Circle -- Stewardship --

Advent --

Ushers and Greeters Needed --

Choir Practice -- Promise Keepers -- Seekers -- Women's Monday Night Group --
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Pastor Frederick D. Davis: 2025 North Valley Drive (505) 526-4907