Independence Day V

By Pastor Fred Davis
July 21, 1996


The world has been invaded by an alien force. It is a global catastrophe. There is worldwide captivity. Not a single person living has escaped.

This alien force is contrary to life as God created it on this planet and yet it seems powerful... even unstoppable in its ability to captivate persons lives and destroy.

No, I am not talking about the summer's blockbuster movie "Independence Day."

This alien force has a clear name. It is sin. And Paul clearly defines its characteristics in the Book of Romans.

Sin is one of those topics that people really don't like to hear about in a sermon. We don't like to be reminded that we have been captured and taken prisoner by this alien force.

It is bad news. It is depressing and it is unpleasant. But there is hope and there is good news because this power can be and has been vanquished.

In the movie Independence Day IV, scientists and military leaders figure out the one vulnerable weakness of the alien's mother ship to infiltrate and destroy its power over earth. When the program is broken which keeps up the protective shields around that satellite ships leaving them vulnerable to defeat.

A stirring speech by the president of the United States calls the fighter pilots to action when he says this is not just for the Independence of the US, this is Independence Day for the World. "Let us not go quietly into the dark night."

Today I declare to you Independence from this alien force of sin. It is vulnerable and weak. It has been infiltrated and its power destroyed by the death resurrection of Jesus Christ. And by the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, there is a liberating power available to us which does a number of things to help us be free from sin.


  1. Gods Spirit helps you to say no to its power
  2. Gods spirit helps to remind us that we are Gods children
  3. God's spirit helps us keep the perspective of eternity


The fatal blow has been struck against this tyrannical alien force we call sin. Like in the movie, its power has been stripped and Christ's death and resurrection has gone right to its heart to destroy it.

But Christ also has sent the Holy Spirit to make that independence a reality and to protect us from further invasion.