Don't Leave Home Without It

By Pastor Fred Davis
March 2, 1996


You've had this experience I am sure: you get to your office and you have forgotten an important document. You get to the airport and you don't have your ticket. You are at a restaurant and the waiter resents you with your bill and you don't have your credit cards or money. You are called on to make a speech and you get to the podium and realize that you don't have your notes I arrived here at the church one Sunday morning and I realized I had left home without the keys to the building I was horrified in Atlanta to realize that I had left my daytimer at one of the concession counters at the Georgia dome and in it were some credit cards, bills, my checkbook and other financial information (not to mention my calendar for the year). Here it was, a day before Judy and I were to leave for Oregon on vacation to see Kresta and I was canceling al my credit card accounts and putting a hold on my bank accounts.

Several years ago American express coined a phrase that has become very meaningful to me recently: don't leave home without it. Their point is that:

  1. a person should always make sure they have something as important as a credit card with them at all times you never know when you might need it;
  2. should you lose it, they will quickly take care of you.
Well, that same phrase can be applied to Abram: don't leave home without it! In this case the it is faith in the God who called him. In fact we might say that he couldn't have left home without it (his faith) in the first place.

Abram lived in Ur, a large metropolitan city, with his extended family. He was quite comfortable thank you very much. He had a great marriage, nice extended family, a comfortable house, a good job, lots of cultural and civilized activities there to occupy his interest and time. The only thing lacking in Abram's life was the fact that he had no children. In particular, he had no son to carry on the name and to be his heir.

That fact notwithstanding, Abram had a good life in Ur. Why would he ever want to leave? He heard God call and he responded in faith. It is that simple. And because of that, God established a covenant with Abram, changed his name to Abraham, gave him not only one son but two and fulfilled the terms of his covenant With Abraham.

The writer of Hebrews says this about Abraham. By faith Abraham: by faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went even though he did not know where he was going...later it says that he was still living by faith when he died. He did not receive (fully what had been promised. He only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. Abraham is a model and champion of what it means to live by faith. He along with all those listed in Hebrews 11, is one of the great cloud of witnesses cheering you on in your quest to live by faith. If Abram were still alive today, he would say to you don't leave home without he would say you can't leave home without it.


This morning. I would like for us to consider faith as we come to the table of communion. What is it and what can we learn about it from Abraham's life; there are four points for you to ponder this morning.
  1. The word of God is what forms faith
  2. The promises of God are the foundations of faith
  3. The character of God is the focus of faith
  4. Justification with God is the final result faith


1. The word of God forms a person's faith. 2. God's promises are the foundation of faith. 3. The character of God is the focus of faith 4. Finally, justification is the final result of faith.