Prayer List

Welcome! This is a prayer list sponsored by Northminster Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces, NM. This site is intended for prayer requests from ANYONE, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page. We have just a couple of guidelines that we'd like you to follow. First, you may fill out as much or as little information as possible; however, please respect people's wishes for anonymity. Second, we'd like to keep these prayers current, so if you do add a prayer request, please remove it by selecting the DELETE button once that becomes appropriate.

Prayer Request Form

Your NAME:
E-mail Address:
Your Web Page:
Let us know what/who you want us to pray for:

Note: this system has experienced some problems during posting. If your prayer request does not appear after you press the submit button, use the back arrow on your browser and resubmit your request. I apologize for this inconvenience. If you are unable to get your prayer request on, please e-mail me and let me know you're having trouble. I would appreciate hearing if you have any problems.
your prayer request.
your request and start over.