Northminster Presbyterian Church

February: Cross Roads

Monthly edition of the Northminster "Son" News

Fred's Forum
Flock Talk (Deacon's)
Adult Ministries
Children's Ministries
Youth Ministries
Campus Corner
Other Activities in the Life of Our Church

Fred's Forum

Someone gave me a plaque for my birthday last fall which bears the heading "ALL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM DRINKING COFFEE." Following is a list of such profound advice as "Stand your Grounds, There's no rest for the caffeinated, Man cannot live by coffee alone - donuts are pretty essential too, and It's okay to be full of beans sometimes." Profound truths, indeed!

Recently, our men's breakfast group discussed the subject of who the mentors in our lives have been - the people who have invested themselves in us an taught us some of the truly important lessons of life. I think back to some of those mentors in my life - Robert Lutz, my pastor who encouraged and trained me for ministry and who taught me about prayer; my father who showed me an example of what it meant to be a loving husband and father; Vernon Grounds, the President of Denver Seminary who always had a moment to sit and talk and stretch my thinking about some important theological issue; the list goes on and on. I have to say that my life would be considerably more empty were it not for the willingness of these people to invest themselves in me and teach me about the Christian life when I was young. I still have mentors who teach me regularly by their example as well as by their words.

Who are the mentors in your life? A family member? a teacher? a neighbor? a friend? your pastor (current or former)?

Let me ask you an even more important question? Who are you mentoring right now?

This year, we have adopted the theme "THE YEAR OF THE CHILD." Our congregation is blessed with an ever increasing, vital group of children and youth. They range in age from birth to college age and above. We believe what our key verse says: "The promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off - as many as the Lord our God shall call." (Acts 2:39) as we try to live out this verse in the life of our church during 1996, what will it mean for us. It will mean noisier services, cramped spaces, increased funding needs for children's and Youth programs; more music that is different than what we are used to... etc.

It also means that you and I are being called to take more seriously the promises we made when these children were baptized and we agreed to pray for and help in the nurture and growth of these children's faith.

In fact, I believe that we are being called to not simply passively pray for the children and youth, but to get involved in their lives - mentoring, encouraging, teaching, leading by example. I believe that this is how they are going to learn how to live Christian lives in the difficult world in which they live. Someday, wouldn't it be special if one of them, in looking back on their life, said that the person who mentored them and taught them marvelous lessons of life and faith was you?

Why not ask Barbara Merhege how you can be involved in the lives of Children through Christian Education programs. Or ask Blake Bonzon about becoming a member of the Youth Leadership Team. Or speak with David Sallee about working with college students through the PCM. I know that they would be thrilled to find a place of ministry for you and I know that there are some young people who would truly benefit from your mentoring in their lives.

Grateful to God for those who have mentored me in my youth,

Pastor Fred

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Flock Talk (Deacon's)

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of the Deacons. In addition to providing necessary assistance to individuals within our congregation and our community. We contributed to the following organizations in January: La Casa, Jardin de los Ninos, Christian Day Nursery, Soup Kitchen, St. Luke's Clinic, and the emergency assistance fund at St.' Andrews Episcopal Church. Your gifts are greatly appreciated by many in our community.

The Deacons have recently received a new supply of Care Notes on a wide variety of topics, with a special emphasis on prayer. Look for them on the table of the lobby; one may be perfect for someone you know!

Special thanks to Mary Lou Smith for graciously preparing coffee for us each Sunday morning for the past several years. If you would be interested in helping prepare coffee before church for just one or two Sundays during the next year, please contact one of the Deacons.

The pink envelops found in your bulletin are for the Deacon's collection. This collection is taken the first Sunday of each month, and enables us to help those less fortunate. Thanks for your generous support!

The Presbyterian Church has always been a missionary church. In the early days of our country, when we were still an English colony, Presbyterians went out as missionaries to the Indians. the first officially commissioned Presbyterian missionary was Azariah Horton, a newly ordained minister. He began work in 1742 among the Indians who lived on the east end of Long Island. He founded two churches among the natives. Res. Horton was the forerunner of the famous David Brainerd, one of the best known missionaries of the 18th century. Rev. Brainerd began his ministry among the Indians near Easton, Pennsylvania and Cranbury, New Jersey. His ministry was ended by illness and death after a brief three years. After his death, his journal with notes was published and became one of the great missionary books of all time. It became the inspiration for William Carey (first missionary to India), Robert Morrison (China), and David LIvengston (Africa). These early Presbyterian missionaries were supported by the Scottish Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge. Information from Presbyterian Panorama - Clifford Merrill Drury

SESSION MEETING - Tues. Feb. 6., 7:00 p.m.

CHURCH LIFE & EVANGELISM MEETING - Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the church.

January has been a difficult month for many of our congregation: DeVon & Peggy Love, Edith Austin, Edith Hablitzel (Judy Davis' mom), Len Traina's sister Rosemary, Dorthy Esckelson's mom, Judy Glover's mom, and Paul & Carol Storey's brother.

Members of the First Presbyterian/Roswell Youth Group are with us in the early s ervice. They were here to look over NMSU, go to an Aggie Game and get acquainte d with the two churches here in town. The Reverends Tom & Jessica McMillan co-a ssociate pastors at the church, are their leaders. It's great to have you with us!

we want to welcome you to Northminster! Our church family has the following Sunday schedule:

Nursery Care is available from 8:30 a.m. until the end of the 2nd service.


Please remember to keep your faith pledge current. We need roughly $16,000 to meet all commitments each month. Last Sunday's offering was $3,124.
Insight: Paraphrase of Paul's Teaching on Giving

ANNUAL REPORTS are available in the lobby.

There will be a Discovery Class for new members today, February 4th from 2:00 p. m. - 4:00 p.m. The class is open ton anyone who wants to know more about the mission, beliefs and ministry opportunities of Northminster. The class is informal and meets at the home of Fred and Judy Davis - 2801 Cloudcroft, in the High Range area.

Please sign up, on the chart in the lobby, for Flowers in the church for 1996.

1,2,3,4 or MORE
What is it? Your age? The number of weeks/months/years you've been around Northminster? Nooooo. Well, what is it then? It's the number of weeks you are willing, eager, and excited to give out of a whole year to help contact newcomers to Northminster. That's right, it's volunteer time again. We are looking for people who will agree to commit at least one week of the year to make a few phone calls, and perhaps a visit or two, to help keep us the friendly place we already are. You will get top-notch, outstanding training (courtesy of Fred); you will be assigned a week (or two or three or four) so you will know when you will be helping; and you will have the happy experience of getting to know some of our newcomers. We are taking sign-ups (see the flyer in the bulletin) Feb. 4 and Feb. 11, and we will notify you of training date a little later in the month. We are an equal opportunity volunteer experience. All ages, sexes, and races accepted!!
Sign up now.

Camp Chimney Spring, a Presbyterian camp and conference center near Mayhill, New Mexico, is seeking a permanent, full time Camp Manager and a temporary 1996 summer Program Director. For more information interested parties may contact the Rev. Karl Travis, 2801 W. fourth St., Roswell, NM 88201, or 505-622-2801.

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Adult Ministries

ADULT STUDY GROUPS 9:45 - 10:30.
The Book of Acts led by Blaine Goss, in the Fellowship Hall Young Couples Group "Son Catchers" led by David and Nancy Sallee, in the back corner Sunday School Room. A Survival Guide For parenting Teens, led by Rev. Fred Davis, in the Fellowship Hall. (Note Change)!

The Seekers Bible Study will be meeting on Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. Please see the Highsmith's or the Hubbard's for more information


Will be meeting, on February 12th. We will be viewing the video "Jesus" produced by Campus Crusade, followed by a time of fellowship and prayer. Bring a friend and join us! We meet at 7:00 p.m. the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month. (BABY SITTING IS PROVIDED) See you at 7:00 p.m.

The ladies from the Mary Martha Bible Study invite you to join in on the first and third Monday of each month at the church at 9:30 a.m. This is a special time of Bible Study and fellowship. For more information call Betty St. John at 521-3418.

Special Service, March 10th, guest preacher, Carrol Blevins.

Do you long for a deeper relationship with the Lord and with other believers? Would you like to pray for and support your brothers and sisters? Would you like to share in a Bible study? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to consider participation in one of our church's' small groups. Currently there are women's and men's groups as well as a mixed group (The Seekers) that meet on a regular basis. In addition, we are forming three new small groups which will each have a different focus. If you would like to be in one of these groups or one of the existing groups, please fill out the form in the bulletin and place it in the offering plate.

Adult Choir Practice, Wednesdays, at 7:00 p.m, at the church. New people are more than welcome to join in.

The Men's Group which meets every Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. at The Mesilla Valley Kitchen, is starting a New Year and a New Study. We will be studying the book, "Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper." This coming Wednesday, we will be studying Chapter 4, A Man and His Family. Remember, first timers get their breakfast free! Call Earl Lance, 521-3417 or Mark Wallin, 521-3785 for more information. See you this Wednesday!

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Children's Ministries

It's hard to believe it's time to start planning for our VBS 1996. Mark your calendars for June 17 through June 21.

Our Sunday School contest memorizing Bible verses is one third complete! Hang i n there kids!

Kids Fun Club (Kids For Christ)
Will be going to the movie today, to see "Toy Story." We will meet in front of the theater at 2:30 p.m. (show time: 2:50 p.m.). Have your child bring money if they want a snack; the movie will be paid for. Hope to see all 1st - 5th graders there!
Parents, if you have a child 1st - 5th grade age and would like to attend the Discovery Class today, on this same date, please contact Barbara Merhege (524-2835) and we can coordinate rides for them.

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Youth Ministries

There is a poster of camp schedules and brochures are available in the church lobby for registration of upcoming camps.

Every Friday Night, here at the church. 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.. It will be Recreation, Bible Study, Games, & Music.

will be meeting at the church on Thursday evenings, at 8:00p.m.

High school students, be sure to remember that Young Life Club meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. There is also an Ultimate Frisbee or flag Football, which will resume on January 8th, at Spitz Park each Sunday evening at 4:00 p.m.. For details, contact Blake Bonzon (645-6779) or Melissa Davis (521-3640).

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Campus Corner

PCM (Northminster Young Adult & Student Fellowship)
meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 p.m., at the PCM. Music starts @ 7:00 p.m. Please join us. For further information, call David Sallee at 522-6404.

Luncheon from Noon til 1:30 p.m. at the Newman Center. Look for David at a table.

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Additional Items

If you would like to order Burritos , or help by preparing the food, please fill out the form in the bulletin today . We will also be taking orders on the 11th, and 18th. They will be delivered on Presidents Day, Feb. 19th.
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Pastor Frederick D. Davis: 2025 North Valley Drive
or FRED_DAVIS.parti@presby. org (505) 526-4907